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天狐网络 发表于2023-02-13 18:20:04 本文已影响

研究生面试英语口语1  Goodafternoon,mydearprofessors!It’smygreathonortotakethisinterview.Thankyouforgivingmet下面是小编为大家整理的2023年研究生面试英语口语,供大家参考。



  Good afternoon, my dear professors! It’s my great honor to take this interview. Thank you for giving me the chance.

  My name is SMk. I’m from Shangdong province, majoring in Mechanical Engineering. During the past 3 years, I have participated in some contests such as Mechanical Contest in Modeling and National College Mechanical Innovation Competition.

  I have built up a solid foundation for professional knowledge and comprehensively improved my quality. Although I’m not born to win, I’m bound to word hard to acquire what I want. Because of that, I managed to continue to transcend myself and got a lot of scholarships. Hence, I’ll try my best all the time, and I believe in myself that I will be energetic to solve the difficulties in the future.

  That’s all, thanks for your attention!

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